The Lower Limestone Coast

Left to right: St Michael and All Angels, Millicent; St Mary the Virgin, Penola; St Alban, Kalangadoo

Parish Contacts


Michael Bleby
Mobile: 0409 621 334


Locations & Service Times

For further information regarding services times, please contact the Secretary.

St Michael & All Angels, Millicent

[George Street]
1st, 2nd and 4th Sundays 9:30am Holy Communion
3rd Sunday 9:30am Morning Prayer

St Mary the Virgin, Penola

[Arthur Street]
1st, 2nd Sundays 11:30am Holy Communion
3rd Sunday combined service at Kalangadoo (see below)
4th Sunday 10:30am Morning Prayer
Thursday 10:30am Holy Communion

St Alban, Kalangadoo

[Ann Street]
1st Sunday 10:00am Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday 10:00am Holy Communion
5th Sunday 10:30am combined service at designated centre with combined lunch to follow.

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